Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Poll Answers!

The polls have finally ended!
For those of you that voted, here are the answers!

What were the uniforms for the Confederate Army?
It was Colorful, Regular Clothing, and also Other which was Grey.

What were uniforms for the Union Army?
It was Colorful, Navy Blue, and also Regular Clothing.

How many Americans were killed in the Civil War?
Approximately 620,000 Americans were killed in the War.

Who was Clara Barton?
She was a very famous Civil War nurse, and the founder of Red Cross. Although some of you said she was a school teacher, "Good Job!" but, that was not why she was famous for...

What year did the Civil War begin?
It was none of the above, if you read the timeline, you would have read the year 1861.

Where did the Civil War begin?
The Civil War officially started in Fort Sumter, the answer was shown in the timeline also.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Mix-Up

Sorry for making a huge mess on my blog, the genres and all the posts are all mixed up and I'm sorry for doing that. I seem to have forgotten 1 genre but, now I completed it. I now have completely 10, although its messy and not in order, please use the best of it!

~And also for my bibliography, I didn't know how to underline but, I knew where to underline the spots.~

Inviting all Fierce Fighters to Join the Army!

Are you a fearless fighter?
Army strong?
Are you a Yankee?
Like fights?
Like battles?
Like to kill?
Like guns?
Want to get shot?
Ready to defeat the South?
To take the risk of your life?

Well here's your chance to do these things!
All you have to do is go to the Northern militia campsite and go into the general office, where you will sign up and be taken to your very own squad!
Now here is a question for you....

Are you ready to be a hero?

Please join now, your reward would be to finally stop the cruel slavery and you get plenty of money for your family!


Internet Sources

Goodwin, Joan. "Clara Barton". Unitarian Universalist Historical
Society. 2008. <>

Freeman, Joanne. "Time Line of The Civil War, 1962". Library of
Congress. 1/15/00. <>

" - The American Civil War". CivilWar.Com the home of the
Civil War. Premier Internet, Inc. 2008.

Gavin, Philip. "The History Place the Past into the Future". The
History Place. 2008. <>

Hoemann, H.George. "The American Civil War Homepage". Mary Myers.
5/12/08. <>

Book Sources

Hakim, Joy. "A History of US War # 6, Terrible War 1855-1865". Oxford
University Press, New York. 2005.

Connell, Kate. " Voices From America's Past Blue or Gray? A Family
Divided". National Geographic, Canada. 2002.

Statement of Process

As I was working on my humanities exit project, I learned very much about the Civil War. It was a very fun experience because I always thought that the Civil War was very cool to know about, so I decided to use it as my project. Even before I was assigned this project, I was already thinking about this topic. Although I feel like I haven't done much, I do know that I gave out plenty of informative genres that taught you very much. Researching my topic was quite simple, there was one website that I used the most, which is called, the url name tells it all. That website told me about the timeline, events, and battles during the war. It was a very useful source.

Making the genres was quite simple to make in my opinion. The only think that was not easy is when I ran out of ideas for my genres. I was forced to look at my friends blogs to see what genres they used. Out of all the genres I made, I liked the poem. I enjoyed it because it has a very good tune to it because exactly at the end it tells you straight forward that you are in the Civil War and how rough it is to fight in it. Something that I improved on after the project was making a proper bibliography. I usually had a very hard time figuring out how to do it and what order to put it in but, not I feel much better about it. Hopefully I improved a lot more than before.

I also wish to thank Ms.Sackstein for putting those benchmarks, without them I probably would have procrastinated and had a hard time in the end. Also a reminder, I will be posting the answers for the poll questions on Friday when the polls have ended.